Sigifredo Laengle
Associate Professor
Laengle, Sigifredo. Business Process Engineering. University of
Chile, Faculty of Economics and Business. Available at 2020-
reviewbpm. Aug. 2020.
Book Chapters
Laengle, Sigifredo, Gino Loyola, and Jos´e M. Merig´o. “OWA Op-
erators in Portfolio Selection”. English. In: Scientific Methods
for the Treatment of Uncertainty in Social Sciences. Ed. by
Jaime Gil-Aluja et al. Vol. 377. Advances in Intelligent Sys-
tems and Computing. Available at 2015-owaport. Springer
International Publishing, 2015, pp. 53–64. isbn: 978-3-319-
19703-6. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-19704-3_5.
Bonilla, Claudio A. and Sigifredo M. Laengle. “Campaign Con-
tributions and Political Favors in a Spatial Model with Prob-
abilistic Voting”. In: Topics in Analytical Political Economy.
Vol. 17. Available at 2007-political (7.2015). Emerald Group
Publishing Limited. 2007, pp. 29–41.
National Journals
Candia, Jorge and Sigifredo Laengle. “Contenci´on de costos en
Codelco Chile”. In: Revista de Contabilidad y Sistemas 2.3
(2007). Available at 2007-costs, pp. 36–52.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Rafael Romero-Meza. “Una Aplicaci´on de
una Medida de Riesgo Coherente para las AFP en Chile”. In:
Revista de Econom´ıa y Administraci´on 154 (2007). Available
at 2007-cvar, pp. 49–57.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Real Time Enterprise: El desaf´ıo de los
pr´oximos a˜nos”. In: Revista de Econom´ıa & Administraci´on
150 (2005). Available at 2005-rte-sp, pp. 22–26.
Vega, Roberto de la and Sigifredo Laengle. “Marco y Arqui-
tectura de la Organizaci´on”. In: Revista Estudios de Infor-
maci´on y Control de Gesti´on xx (2005). Available at 2005-
mya, pp. 59–88.
WoS Journals
Mas´ıas, V´ıctor H. et al. “Evolving demographics: a dynamic clus-
tering approach to analyze residential segregation in Berlin”.
In: EPJ Data Science 13.1 (2024), p. 21. doi: 10 . 1140 /
Laengle, Sigifredo and Tom´as Laengle-Aliaga. “The viable sys-
tem model and the viability theory: Collaborations paths”.
In: Journal of the Operational Research Society 0.0 (2023),
pp. 1–11. doi: 10.1080/01605682.2023.2198554.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Articulating bargaining theories: movement,
chance, and necessity as descriptive principles”. In: Central
European Journal of Operations Research (2021). issn: 49–
71. doi:
Laengle, Sigifredo, Valeria Lobos, et al. “Forty years of Fuzzy
Sets and Systems: A bibliometric analysis”. In: Fuzzy Sets
and Systems (2020). issn: 0165-0114. doi: https ://doi.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Gino Loyola, and David Tob´on-Orozco. “Bar-
gaining under polarization: The case of the Colombian armed
conflict”. In: Journal of Peace Research 57.4 (2020), pp. 551–
563. doi: 10.1177/0022343319892675.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Rajkumar Verma, and Jose M. Merigo. “Fifty
years of the journal of optimization theory and applications:
A bibliometric overview”. In: Jan. 2019, pp. 20–25.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Jos´e M. Merig´o, et al. “Bibliometrics in oper-
ations research and management science: a university anal-
ysis”. In: Annals of Operations Research (Aug. 2018). issn:
1572-9338. doi: 10.1007/s10479-018-3017-6.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Nikunja Mohan Modak, Jose M. Merigo, et
al. “Twenty-Five Years of Group Decision and Negotiation:
A Bibliometric Overview”. In: Group Decision and Negoti-
ation 27.4 (Aug. 2018), pp. 505–542. issn: 1572-9907. doi:
Laengle, Sigifredo, Nikunja Mohan Modak, Jos´e M. Merig´o, et
al. “Thirty years of the International Journal of Computer
Integrated Manufacturing: a bibliometric analysis”. In: In-
ternational Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing
31.12 (2018), pp. 1247–1268. doi: 10.1080/0951192X.2018.
Merig´o, Jos´e M., Manuel J. Cobo, et al. “Twenty years of Soft
Computing: a bibliometric overview”. In: Soft Computing
(Mar. 2018). issn: 1433-7479. doi: 10.1007/s00500-018-
Wang, Wanru et al. “A Bibliometric Analysis of the First
Twenty-Five Years of the International Journal of Uncer-
tainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems”. In: Inter-
national Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-
Based Systems 26.02 (2018), pp. 169–193. doi: 10 .1142 /
Flores-Baz´an, Fabi´an and Sigifredo Laengle. “Computing the
value of information of quadratic decision problems and
its non-negativity conditions”. In: Optimization 66.8 (2017),
pp. 1337–1358.
Laengle, S., G. Loyola, and J. M. Merig´o. “Mean-Variance
Portfolio Selection With the Ordered Weighted Average”.
In: IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 25.2 (Apr. 2017),
pp. 350–362. issn: 1063-6706. doi: 10.1109/TFUZZ.2016.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Jos´e M. Merig´o, Jaime Miranda, et al. “Forty
years of the European Journal of Operational Research: A
bibliometric overview”. In: European Journal of Operational
Research 262.3 (2017), pp. 803–816. issn: 0377-2217. doi:
Mas´ıas, V´ıctor Hugo, Mauricio Valle, et al. “Modeling Verdict
Outcomes Using Social Network Measures: The Watergate
and Caviar Network Cases”. In: PLOS ONE 11.1 (Jan. 2016),
pp. 1–24. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0147248.
Mas´ıas, V´ıctor Hugo et al. “Exploring the prominence of Romeo
and Juliet’s characters using weighted centrality measures”.
In: Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (2016). issn: 2055-
7671. doi: 10.1093/llc/fqw029.
Flores-Baz´an, Fabi´an, Fernando Flores-Baz´an, and Sigifredo
Laengle. “Characterizing Efficiency on Infinite-dimensional
Commodity Spaces with Ordering Cones Having Possibly
Empty Interior”. In: Journal of Optimization Theory and
Applications 164.2 (Feb. 2015), pp. 455–478. issn: 1573-2878.
doi: 10.1007/s10957-014-0558-y.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Gino Loyola. “The Ultimatum Game with
Externalities”. In: Economic Computation & Economic Cy-
bernetics Studies & Research 49.4 (2015), pp. 279–287. issn:
Mas´ıas, V. H. et al. “Shakespeare, Social Media and Social Net-
works [Viewpoint]”. In: IEEE Technology and Society Mag-
azine 34.4 (Dec. 2015), pp. 17–30. issn: 0278-0097. doi: 10.
Mas´ıas, V´ıctor Hugo, Mariane Krause, et al. “Using Decision
Trees to Characterize Verbal Communication During Change
and Stuck Episodes in the Therapeutic Process”. In: Fron-
tiers in Psychology 6.379 (2015). issn: 1664-1078. doi: 10.
Flores-Baz´an, Fabi´an, Sigifredo Laengle, and Gino Loyola.
“Characterizing the efficient points without closedness or
free-disposability”. In: Central European Journal of Opera-
tions Research 21.2 (Mar. 2013), pp. 401–410. issn: 1613-
9178. doi: 10.1007/s10100-011-0233-4.
Kirchmer, Mathias, Sigfredo Laengle, and V´ıctor Mas´ıas.
“Transparency-Driven Business Process Management in
Healthcare Settings [Leading Edge]”. In: Technology and So-
ciety Magazine, IEEE 32.4 (2013), pp. 14–16. issn: 0278-
0097. doi: 10.1109/MTS.2013.2286427.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Gino Loyola. “Bargaining and nega-
tive externalities”. In: Optimization Letters 6.3 (Mar. 2012),
pp. 421–430. issn: 1862-4480. doi: 10.1007/s11590-010-
Paz, Ariel I. la, Sigifredo Laengle, and Christian A. Cancino.
“The core skills of the CIO we need”. en. In: Dyna 77.163
(2010). Available at 2010-coreskills, pp. 172–180. issn: 0012-
Candia, Jorge, Roberto de la Vega, and Sigifredo Laengle.
“Corporate governance-Chile’s Codelco faces challenges”. In:
Canadian Mining Journal 129.2 (2008). Available at 2008-
codfaces, pp. 27–28.
“Costs contention in Codelco Chile”. In: Canadian Mining
Journal 129.3 (2008). Available at 2008-codcosts, pp. 41–41.
Other Journals
Merig´o, Jos´e M., Claudio Muller, et al. “Research in Produc-
tion and Operations Management: A University-Based Bib-
liometric Analysis”. In: Global Journal of Flexible Systems
Management 20.1 (Mar. 2019), pp. 1–29. issn: 0974-0198.
doi: 10.1007/s40171-018-0201-0.
Kirchmer, M. et al. “BPM Governance: Assessing it Through the
Strategy Lens”. In: Accenture’s Journal of High-Performance
Business (2013). Available at 2013-bpmgov.
Morselli, Carlo et al. “Predicting sentencing outcomes with cen-
trality measures”. English. In: Security Informatics 2.1, 4
(2013). Available at 2013-predict. doi: 10.1186/2190-8532-
Kirchmer, Mathias, Francisco Guti´errez, and Sigifredo Laengle.
“Process mining for organizational agility”. In: Industrial
Management 52.1 (2010). Available at 2010-pminorg, pp. 19–
Vega, Roberto de la, Mathias Kirchmer, and Sigifredo Laengle.
“The real-time enterprise”. In: Industrial Management 50.4
(2008). Available at 2008-rte, pp. 16–19.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Informationswert bei Stochastisch-
quadratischen Entscheidungsproblemen”. Available at dr-
thesis. PhD Thesis. Fakult¨at f¨ur Wirtschaftswissenschaften
und Statistik, Universit¨at Konstanz, Deutschland, 2000.
“Inducci´on de
Arboles de Decisi´on”. Master thesis. Departa-
mento de Ingenier´ıa Industrial, Universidad de Chile, 1992.
“Evaluaci´on T´ecnico-econ´omica en la Reducci´on de Efluentes
L´ıquidos de una Planta de Celulosa”. Tesis para t´ıtulo de
Ingeniero Civil. Facultad de Ingenier´ıa, Universidad de Con-
cepci´on, 1985.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Tom´as Laengle-Aliaga. “Calculation for-
mula of the viability kernel in convex and linear dynamical
systems”. In: Operations Research Proceedings 2023. Ed. by
Guido Voigt. Accepted for publication. Cham: Springer In-
ternational Publishing, 2024.
“Decreasing Viability of Tychastic Controlled Systems”.
In: Operations Research Proceedings 2022. Ed. by Oliver
Grothe et al. Cham: Springer International Publishing, 2023,
pp. 365–371. isbn: 978-3-031-24907-5.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Gino Loyola, and Jos´e Mar´ıa Merig´o. “Uni-
fied aggregation operators in mean variance portfolio selec-
tion”. In: XIX Latin-Iberoamerican Conference on Opera-
tions Research. CLAIO 2018. Ed. by David Mauricio, Nelson
Maculan, and Alex Papa. Lima, Per´u, 2018, pp. 66–66. isbn:
Laengle, Sigifredo, Jos´e Mar´ıa Marig´o, et al. “A bibliometric
study of leading countries in operations research and man-
agement science”. In: XIX Latin-Iberoamerican Conference
on Operations Research. CLAIO 2018. Ed. by David Mauri-
cio, Nelson Maculan, and Alex Papa. Lima, Per´u: Springer,
2018, p. 113.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Verma Rajkumar, and Jos´e Mar´ıa Merig´o.
“Fifty Years of the Journal of Optimization Theory and Ap-
plications: A bibliometric Overview”. In: (2018), pp. 20–25.
M.J., Cobo et al. “OWA Operators in Portfolio Selection”. In:
Information Processing and Management of Uncertainty in
Knowledge-Based Systems. Applications. IPMU 2018. Ed. by
Medina J. et al. Vol. 855. Cham: Springer, 2018, pp. 667–677.
doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-91479-4.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Jos´e M. Merig´o, Nikunja Mohan Modak, et
al. “Bibliometrics in operations research and management
science: A university analysis”. In: Proceedings of the XII
Chilean Conference on Operations Research (Vi˜na del Mar,
Chile, ). Ed. by Rodrigo A. Carrasco and Eduardo Moreno.
Vi˜na del Mar, Chile: Universidad Adolfo Ib´a˜nez, Nov. 2017,
pp. 145–147.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Gino Loyola. “Learning in Highly Polar-
ized Conflicts”. English. In: Operations Research Proceedings
2013. Ed. by Dennis Huisman, Ilse Louwerse, and Albert
P.M. Wagelmans. Operations Research Proceedings. Avail-
able at 2014-or2013 (7.2015). Springer International Publish-
ing, 2014, pp. 271–278. isbn: 978-3-319-07000-1. doi: 10 .
Paz, A. I. la, C. A. Cancino, and S. Laengle. “The evolution of
the CIO profile: Evidence in Chile”. In: International Confer-
ence on Information Resources Management 2012 Proceed-
ings. Available at 2012-cio (7.2015). 2012, pp. 21–23.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Fabi´an Flores-Baz´an. “Non-Negativity of
Information Value in Games, Symmetry and Invariance”. In:
Operations Research Proceedings 2010. Ed. by Bo Hu et al.
Operations Research Proceedings. Available at 2011-or2010
(7.2015). Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, pp. 59–64. isbn:
978-3-642-20008-3. doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-20009-0_10.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Computing the Value of Information in
Quadratic Stochastic Decision Problems”. In: Operations Re-
search Proceedings 2007. Ed. by org Kalcsics and Stefan
Nickel. Vol. 2007. Operations Research Proceedings. Avail-
able at 2008-or2007 (7.2015). Springer Berlin Heidelberg,
2008, pp. 179–184. isbn: 978-3-540-77902-5. doi: 10.1007/
Other Presentations
Laengle, Sigifredo. Process Mining and Business Agility. Semi-
nario Desaf´ıos y Aplicaciones en Data Science. Dec. 2020.
Satisfying Instead of Optimizing in the Nash Demand Games.
University of Concepci´on (DIM) and University of Chile
(DIM), Available at concep-2020. Aug. 2020.
Satisfying Instead of Optimizing in the Nash Demand Games.
Universit¨at Wien, Fakult¨at f¨ur Wirtschaftswissenschaften,
Available at wien-2020. Jan. 2020.
Flores-Baz´an, Fabi´an and Sigifredo Laengle. “Portfolio Opti-
mization Without Sufficient Statistics”. International Con-
ference on Operations Research Aachen, Germany. 2014.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Gino Loyola. “Learning in Highly Polar-
ized Conflicts”. X International Conference
Optima 2013 in
Concepci´on, Chile. 2013.
“Learning in Highly Polarized Conflicts”. International Con-
ference on Operations Research 2011 in Hannover, Germany.
“Learning in Highly Polarized Conflicts”. International Con-
ference on Operations Research in Z¨urich 2011, Switzerland.
Flores-Baz´an, Fabi´an and Sigifredo Laengle. “Non-negativity of
information value in quadratic games”. The International
Conference on Continuous Optimization 2010 in Santiago,
Chile. 2010.
Laengle, Sigifredo, Gino Loyola, and David Tob´on. “Bargain-
ing under Polarization: The Colombian Armed Conflict”.
LACEA 2010 Annual Meeting in Medell´ın, Colombia. 2010.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Process Mining and Bayesian Approxima-
tion of Business Processes”. International Conference on Op-
erations Research 2008 in Augsburg, Germany. 2008.
Laengle, Sigifredo and Rafael Romero-Meza. “Implementation
of Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR): The case of Chilean
pension funds”. Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Ad-
ministraci´on, Santiago, Chile. 2005.
Barros, Lautaro, Sigifredo Laengle, and Manuel Maya. “Un Mod-
elo Econ´omico Global Optimizante en la Planificaci´on Min-
era y una Aplicaci´on en Chuquicamata”. XII Congreso de
Metodolog´ıas de Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas, Santiago de Chile.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Inducci´on de
Arboles de Decisi´on: Una
T´ecnica de Apoyo a la Evaluaci´on de Inversiones”. XII Con-
greso de Metodolog´ıas de Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas, Santiago
de Chile. 1992.
“Comparaci´on Entre la Inducci´on de
Arboles de Decisi´on,
el An´alisis Discriminante y la Regresi´on ultiple”. XI Con-
greso de Metodolog´ıas de Ingenier´ıa de Sistemas, Santiago
de Chile. 1991.
Laengle, Sigifredo. “Inducci´on Autom´atica de
Arboles de De-
cisi´on”. IX Congreso de Metodolog´ıas de Ingenier´ıa de Sis-
temas, Santiago de Chile. 1989.
Lecture Notes
Laengle, Sigifredo. Lecture Notes in Modeling Workflow Pat-
terns. University of Chile, Faculty of Economics and Busi-
ness. Available at 2015-wfpat. July 2015.
Lecture Notes in M´etodos de Optimizaci´on. University of
Chile, Faculty of Economics and Business. Available at 2014-
ms. July 2014.
Lecture Notes in Business Process Modeling: Colored Petri
Nets. University of Chile, Faculty of Economics and Busi-
ness. Available at 2013-cpn. July 2013.
Lecture Notes in Strategic Process Management. University
of Chile, Faculty of Economics and Business. Available at
2013-spm (7.2015). July 2013.
Lecture Notes in Theoretical and Practical Consistency in
Business Process Optimization. University of Chile, Faculty
of Economics and Business. Available at 2013-sipac. July
Lecture Notes in Process Mining. University of Chile, Fac-
ulty of Economics and Business. Available at 2010-pmin. July
Lecture Notes in Business Process Modeling: Classical Petri
Nets. University of Chile, Faculty of Economics and Business.
Available at 2008-pn. July 2008.